The week of October 1 I spent looking for a car to call my own. This is my notebook of dealerships and contacts that I went to visit Thursday October 4. |
I saw and test drove a lot of cars that day! No wonder I was getting a little crazy... |
This is the car I eventually decided on! A 2002 Nissan X-Terra. |
That weekend, on October 6, I also ran in the Color Run, a whimsical 5K race in which volunteers throw packs of color on runners as they race. My friends and I formed a team and ran as the Avengers. It was a lot of fun! |
Left to Right: Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, the Hulk, and Thor - Before - |
- After - |
Oh you silly bird, Hawkeye! |
October 12th and 13th was College of Engineering does Amateur Radical Theater's performance of "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged", which I directed. It was a fantastic show! Here's Austin in his part as Hamlet. |
COE does ART is a theater troupe that is sponsored by the engineering college here. The show is a three man, full-length comedy by the Reduced Shakespeare Company |
The show features a lot of audience participation, so here are the guys guiding the spectators. |
It was her birthday, so she got to be picked on the worst! |
Here I am at intermission, talking to Bob, who ran the spotlight |
Austin again and Jackson (right) fighting to the death |
When I came out after the last show to thank everybody, I wasn't expecting this surprise from the cast and crew! |
I got a pie in the face and an entire can of silly string all over =) |
Here's the entire team together after one of the organization's best performances ever. Great show guys! |
Last weekend was homecoming! Sarah W. took me to see the pep rally and bonfire. |
We won 38 - 7 in a crushing game. Here's a shot of the stadium before the game. |
The company was particularly great! My family came up and got me and my good friend Sarah free tickets to the game. Left to right is my sister Maddie, Sarah, and my other sister Lily. My dad is sitting behind Lily out of view. we all had a good time hanging out! |
I'm Jonathon, and this is my life.
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